Yesterday night was one of those wierd nights that i realy dont want to go through and live.. wierd nights with wierd dreams... wierd dreams making me fall with fears ....fear of losing someone.. fear of being lone again.. fear to get those days back when i used to smile or i should say fake smile but inside it was all shattered... inside there was nothing but darkness. May be thats my destiny. I always try to take this world in positive way and to some extent i do it as well but u know what sometimes its hard enough to be positive bcoz sometimes this life itself become so negative that nothing can be positive after it.

There was always a single question in my head that why we need others to be with us. Are we dependent on them or we are selfish enough that we be them bcoz we need them. Human nature is really hard to understand, isnt it? we cant live without people, always have fear of losing them but when they are with us...we never care for their existence, never make them feel special, never say them how important they are but we fight with them and think that life would be much better if they would not be with us bcoz may be we ourselves dont know if we really need them when they are with us. But then when we get the fear of losing them inside our heart , we get to understand what they mean to us and then we cry. I saw a movie last sunday.. hero loved a gal and he knew that well inside but still he never gave that importance to that gal and was always rude to her but then one night he had nightmare in which gal dies and in one day he turns into some other person who starts caring for a gal like anything. The fact is.. A human is born selfish by nature.. thats the truth. we always tend to do things that make us happy. My mom had told me once that theres always an angel and a demon inside us.Our heart is an angel and our brain does the job of demon.May be our heart is always right as i heard from everywhere from the first day of my life. It always knows whats right and wrong but the problem is i studied in my books and as according to our science" our body follows only the signals of our brain. Brain gives the instructions in form of signals and our body have to follow" thats what our body does, thats what we do.. we listen the brain(demon) only and as far i think brain always thinks about benifits. It always moves to the place where we get benifits and that makes us selfish. we never care about anyone before, no matter we know inside very well that what they are for us but once we get to know they might go away, we in one day turn into some other person who start caring about.. its always about us ....our happiness.... its always about ME... thats the human nature with two wings of angel that we hardly use and other of demon .. and i dont think anyone can fly with one wing which makes us all fall....